Your Mine Deserve A Best Qualify Grinding Meida Solution

Quality Means Lower Purchase Frequency & Longer Life Products

As the top notch and most experienced supplier of mining consumables ,also Cement Industry ,Chemical Industry and Mineral Processing grinding media ball with our associated services worldwide Qasim Grinding Meida ‘s quality is widely recognized as the industry leading standard. We proudly deliver highly developed and innovative products, which are routinely tested in our state-of-the-art facilities, that ensure high breakage resistance and low consumption rates to deliver value for mines, cement industry ,chemical industry and Mineral processing all over the globe.

Quality Means Lower Purchase Frequency & Longer Life Products

None Of Our Clients Ever Stops Grinding Over Qasim Grinding Media Ball

That’s our supply and quality guarantee.

Certainty of supply is critical for the continuity of our customer’s mining process operations.  By being close to customers, Qasim provides valuable assurance of high-quality GRINDING MEDIA ( ball) accompanied with on-time, flexible supply and personalized technical support.

With 2 manufacturing locations in China with a combined installed manufacturing capacity in excess of 70,000 tonnes per annum, Qasim Grinding Ball Group has flexibility in the supply options that we can provide to customers.

Qasim Grinding Ball Group produces the highest quality products under our strict specifications, to ensure that we deliver long life consumable products for customers.

None Of Our Clients Ever Stops Grinding Over Qasim Grinding Media Ball

Innovation Is What We Always Insist

We’re conscious that the mining industry and other world industry is constantly changing, technological advancements are evolving and demand for greater output never stops increasing.  We take the responsibility of supply to our customers very seriously.

From developing the first cast grinding ball in the 2005’s to releasing the Next Generation SAG energy - saving Grinding ball in 2017, Qasim grinding Ball group has established a 13 year track record of innovation leading to increased productivity for customer all over the globe.  With cooperation of China's leading industrial university and the Metallurgical Laboratories equipped with the latest technologies, and combine professional Metallurgists, Chemists and highly experienced Applications Engineers team we are able to test and develop products that meet the high standards demanded by us and our customers.

Innovation Is What We Always Insist

The Energy-saving Grinding Ball Built For Impact.

Our Energy-saving grinding ball specifically designed for today’s high impact milling environments. Our innovative manufacturing process results in products with high impact resistance and superior wear.

The Energy-saving Grinding Ball Built For Impact.

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